The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs or The Global Goals, offer a comprehensive blueprint for a better future, addressing global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and environmental issues.

These Goals provide a framework for sustainable and responsible operations that not only contribute to economic growth but also protect the environment and promote social equity.

By embracing the SDGs and implementing sustainable practices, we will not only contribute to economic growth but also help create a more sustainable and equitable future for the communities we operates in.

Global Goal 1 Illustration

We are committed to improving the livelihoods of our 7,000 smallholder farmers. By providing training, access to agricultural services, and encouraging diversified cropping, we are helping increase farmers’ yields, income and resilience.

We are leveraging technology and innovation to enhance efficiency and productivity. By implementing practices like land forming, precision irrigation, the use of drones and data-driven decision-making, we are optimizing resource and leveraging efficiency with the ability to scale sustainably.

Global Goal 9 Illustration
Global Goal 12 Illustration

We are proudly prioritizing sustainable practices. By pursuing the Better Cotton Initiative certification, exploring renewable energy options, and adopting precision agriculture techniques

We are taking significant steps to address the growing issue of climate change. By conducting carbon baselining assessments, implementing climate-smart agriculture practices, and investing in energy efficiency, we are reducing emissions throughout our entire supply chain.

Global Goal 13 Illustration
Global Goal 17 Illustration

We collaborate with a diverse range of partners to help us achieve our sustainability goals. By working with governments, NGOs, and technology providers, we are fostering innovation, shared knowledge and combined efforts to help us drive systemic change.

Recent partnerships include KluraLabs, Bluegrass Partners, Carbon Trail, Terrascope, Emerging AG, Good Company Group and most recently our official partnership with COP29.


COP29, cotton and the common thread